St. Lawrence Optimist Club


"Friend of Youth"

The St. Lawrence Optimist Club has ceased operations as of Oct. 2011



The St. Lawrence Optimist Club, part of Optimist International, was founded in 1995, with the Lasalle Des Rapides Optimist Club as our sponsor. We were one of the very few English-language Optimist Clubs in the province of Quebec.

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Description: Our Hero!
Our club's hero, Chris Kazmerchuk, winner of 5 medals at the
Special Olympics; sponsored by the St. Lawrence Optimist Club.

Description: Our Hero!
Another hero, Jaleesa Wright, winner of a gold medal
in sprint; sponsored by the St. Lawrence Optimist Club.

We raised money selling corn and hot dogs in front of Provigo, Nun's Island:

Description: C:\documents\sloc webpage\cornroast1.jpgDescription: C:\documents\sloc webpage\cornroast2.jpg


Some pictures from our Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Monday at Carrefour Angrignon:

Description: C:\documents\sloc webpage\bike02.jpgDescription: C:\documents\sloc webpage\bunny02.jpg

Some pictures from ourfundraisers:

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Description: C:\documents\sloc webpage\wc2005.jpg


Webpage design by Gary Tompkins

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